With extensive experience in smart meter deployment and long-standing collaboration with utilities, Matrix introduces a new generation modular smart meter that will help utilities invest with confidence in smart metering infrastructure – the enabling technology for the smart grid.
This new generation of smart meters is designed to meet the significantly broader set of advanced metering, communication, control and smart grid requirements that many utilities are facing today and that will continue to develop in the years to come.
Matrix meters are smart meters for payasyougo and managed credit applications.
Matrix maintains its own energy account, which supports multirate tariffs with features such as public holidays and 'happy hours' credit period.
The meter interfaces with a Remote Display Unit (RDU), which provides realtime information on consumption and accounting. Customers can readily see how much energy they are using, how much credit is left.
MM1360 is highly resistant to magnetic fields and electrostatic discharge, making it ideally suited to aggressive environments, particularly where revenue protection is a concern.
Emergency credit facility to assist consumers manage their accounts.
Friendly credit facility to prevent disconnection during unsocial hours.
Automatic bill generation.
Easy and convenient web access.
Userfriendly smart mobile application.
Secure online payment gateway.
Online customer login portal.
Advance collection of revenue before power consumption.
Charging the meter with credit revenue through multiple options.
The loaded revenue decrements based on the rate of electricity being consumed at that time, which may change from time to time.
User friendly, compact wall mounting design.
Dual source measurements upto 80A whole current / CT operated.
Currency based recharging for EB, DG where pricing can be programmed independently.
History of recharge.
Current limiting facility for EB, DG separately.
Tripping of EB, DG consumption at predetermined set point for protection and effective use of energy.
Protects the equipments from overload.
Indication of low balance by frequent blinking of display and SMS alert on phone.
Selection of DG power either 3 phase or single phase programmable at site.